Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 5

Last day blues had started to set in as we woke up, then Jo came in with a cuppa that was much appreciated although this did disrupt the morning "routine" a little ;o)
We had a walk up to Foleys as Mac's beloved Albion were playing Liverpool in the FA Cup (its a coincidence its called the FA cup as I have FA interest in it!!) After a couple of sherberts, Tina has taken to having Screwdrivers for breakfast, I bit the bullit and took her shopping AGAIN!
The match had finished by the time we got back to the bar so we dashed off to Greenwich Village and met up with Mac's sister in the Galway Hooker, Tina got stuck into a couple of cocktails while I had a couple of medicinal JD's. A short stroll through the beautiful old part of NY brought us to a cracking Mexican Restaurant for our final dinner. It has been a fantastic first trip to this very different and relaxed city. We have met some great people and the hospitality they have shown us has been greatly appreciated, we will come and see you all again.
Jo and Mac, what can we say, you have shared with us "your" New York and the trip not only wouldn't have happened without you, but would not have had anywhere near the experience the two of you and your friends have made it, Thank you sooo much, we love you both Xx
"Who ya gonna Call?"
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Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 4

Early start today as we had to get Tina up to Central Park for a run, I was all up for joining her but she insisted that I got a coffee and sit in the sun watching totty run past while she did a 8 mile run.
Jumped a cab back to base for a freshen up and hit a sports bar (Mickey Mantles) up by the park for a few early liveners!
Walked up to Strawberry Fields for a look at the Lennon memorial then crossed over to the Dakota Building where the deed was done :o(
We hit the Columbus Tavern for a Burger and some drinks and then had a stroll down Columbus avenue with a few shops to look at and a really cool antique (by US standards) shop. Jumped another cab and went to a cool rooftop bar (235th on 5th Ave) we were supplied with red fleece dressing gowns to keep us cosy while we supped cocktails admiring the views.
From there we hit Times Sq for a look round and then into BB Kings bar where we planned to listen to some live music.....we stayed for 5 mins while the Barman blanked us (I think us ordering drinks had interrupted something more important)so we bailed out of there and ended up in, you guessed it, Foleys! ..........I have just read through the above and it would appear on first impression that we have been on the lash all day....on reflection that is pretty much true!
Last day tomorrow so better get some kip!
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Day 3

What a day!
We went for a Bagel for breakfast then hit the subway for a trip to Tribeca, on emerging from the subway steps we were greeted by a sight that made us all smile, the no 8 hook and ladder fire house, or as us mortals know it GHOSTBUSTERS HQ!!!
On the pavement outside was a painted NY fire dept logo but with the Ghostbusters logo added to the crest in the centre. We looked in through the door at the fire engine inside, on the wall is the ghostbusters sign that would have been on the front of the building, we all had a Ray Parker Jnr sing song and laughed!
Back to the subway and a short journey takes us to the ferry terminals and Battery Park, we got our tickets and cruised around Liberty, resplendent up on her plinth looking across the water, "the bird with the torch" as Tina calls her was having some work done, so I was unable to go up through the monument, Shame, it would have been interesting to actually see what goes on in a woman's head!!
We got off the ferry at Ellis Island and took in some history. This was the first landing point for the migrants coming in to settle the vast lands of the U.S.
The exhibition was interesting but the were a few references to both slavery and the native Indians being moved from their lands that reminded us that it was a difficult time for the young country.
Our Alcohol levels were running low at this point so a decision was made to head back up to The Empire State Building and our favourite bar.
We got to the 86th floor viewing deck and were rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding city as the sun set. What a fantastic way to end a busy sightseeing day.
We came out of the ESB and collapsed into out chairs at Foleys Bar! Beer was drunk, along with chicken wings and Nacho's - we were looking after our bodies as only we know how (salads are for girls!!)
A great evening with old friends and new.
I am unsure of the time we got home but I am very impressed and surprised by Tina's bar stamina and also the vast quantities of bacardi that she is consuming!!
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Friday 17 February 2012

Day 2

After a lazy breakfast at the Murray hill diner we headed down to the Seaport area for a nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge.
A nice looking pub was beckoning to me and after a bit of a think (2 seconds) it was officially Beer o'clock!
The weather hasn't been kind today and we have been dodging the rain all day, We walked up to the 9/11 Memorial.
I was impressed with the two water falls, it has been really well done, very tasteful. I had heard that the place gives you a strange feeling, I did not get that - maybe it was due to the fact that it is in the middle of a building site!
We made our way back up to midtown and checked out Grand central station, it made Victoria look a bit sad - lol
The architecture of NY generally blows me away, there is such a mix of styles, Art deco and gothic seem to lead the way but maybe that's because I like these styles the best.
Tina walked me through the 8 floors of mind numbing torture that is Macys dept store, I think she was a little disappointed that I didn't show any interest in the place.....apart from the old wooden escalators. I can remember when they had these on the underground in London!
We walked back to our apartment and passed the Empire State along the way, Tina asked where it was when we were standing directly outside the front doors, I just pointed up lol.
We are trying to wait for a clear day to go up and see the city from up there.
After an hours Chill out we were off out again to meet some friends of Mac and Jo's (have I mentioned that Mac is a retired film star?) We met up at their home and then went out to a local bar for some great food and company, Johnny Mac insisted on going to a Karaoke bar after and knocked out a few Neil Diamond Tunes with great enthusiasm!
Tina was insisting that I get her some drunk food on the way home, unfortunately there were no kebab shops to be seen so it ended up being a large fries and chicken nuggets from rotten ronnies
All in all a great day.
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Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 1

After a 4:00 AM alarm we got on the Heathrow Hoppa and hit Terminal 3 yawning.
Checked in and sampled the Rum in duty free thanks to Havana club! 7.5 hour flight to JFK. We are here at last, dumped bags at our Massive apartment and off to FAO Schwartz toy store for a go on the piano from the film Big (Tom Hanks). We walked the mile up 5th Ave and saw all the designer shops (managed to keep Tina out of them)Following the film theme we jumped in a yellow cab and headed downtown to an old deli called Kats this is where "THAT" scene from When harry met sally was filmed. The place is fantastic and serves the best salt beef and pickles anywhere!
On my way to Foley's bar alone to meet our hosts as Tina has crashed and burned!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The day before

It was a bit of a chore getting through the days work but I made it. Got home and packed then went to print the boarding cards.....****ing printer, Les over the road saved the day and it was off to the Holiday inn. A couple of drinks and a curry went down well as a start to the break. Now off to bed for an early night - well, it is Valentines! ;o)
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Monday 13 February 2012

The day before the day before

15th - 20th February 2012
you have logged into this far too early!
I haven't even got my pants packed yet ffs.
Check by over the coming days to catch up on all the fantastic posts on here
There will be real interesting stuff like "what we had for dinner today" "did you know it's a different time here?" and of course " what the weather is doing today  "
Can't wait to see you all back here real soon
Have a nice day now