Friday 17 February 2012

Day 2

After a lazy breakfast at the Murray hill diner we headed down to the Seaport area for a nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge.
A nice looking pub was beckoning to me and after a bit of a think (2 seconds) it was officially Beer o'clock!
The weather hasn't been kind today and we have been dodging the rain all day, We walked up to the 9/11 Memorial.
I was impressed with the two water falls, it has been really well done, very tasteful. I had heard that the place gives you a strange feeling, I did not get that - maybe it was due to the fact that it is in the middle of a building site!
We made our way back up to midtown and checked out Grand central station, it made Victoria look a bit sad - lol
The architecture of NY generally blows me away, there is such a mix of styles, Art deco and gothic seem to lead the way but maybe that's because I like these styles the best.
Tina walked me through the 8 floors of mind numbing torture that is Macys dept store, I think she was a little disappointed that I didn't show any interest in the place.....apart from the old wooden escalators. I can remember when they had these on the underground in London!
We walked back to our apartment and passed the Empire State along the way, Tina asked where it was when we were standing directly outside the front doors, I just pointed up lol.
We are trying to wait for a clear day to go up and see the city from up there.
After an hours Chill out we were off out again to meet some friends of Mac and Jo's (have I mentioned that Mac is a retired film star?) We met up at their home and then went out to a local bar for some great food and company, Johnny Mac insisted on going to a Karaoke bar after and knocked out a few Neil Diamond Tunes with great enthusiasm!
Tina was insisting that I get her some drunk food on the way home, unfortunately there were no kebab shops to be seen so it ended up being a large fries and chicken nuggets from rotten ronnies
All in all a great day.
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