Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 5

Last day blues had started to set in as we woke up, then Jo came in with a cuppa that was much appreciated although this did disrupt the morning "routine" a little ;o)
We had a walk up to Foleys as Mac's beloved Albion were playing Liverpool in the FA Cup (its a coincidence its called the FA cup as I have FA interest in it!!) After a couple of sherberts, Tina has taken to having Screwdrivers for breakfast, I bit the bullit and took her shopping AGAIN!
The match had finished by the time we got back to the bar so we dashed off to Greenwich Village and met up with Mac's sister in the Galway Hooker, Tina got stuck into a couple of cocktails while I had a couple of medicinal JD's. A short stroll through the beautiful old part of NY brought us to a cracking Mexican Restaurant for our final dinner. It has been a fantastic first trip to this very different and relaxed city. We have met some great people and the hospitality they have shown us has been greatly appreciated, we will come and see you all again.
Jo and Mac, what can we say, you have shared with us "your" New York and the trip not only wouldn't have happened without you, but would not have had anywhere near the experience the two of you and your friends have made it, Thank you sooo much, we love you both Xx
"Who ya gonna Call?"
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