Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 4

Early start today as we had to get Tina up to Central Park for a run, I was all up for joining her but she insisted that I got a coffee and sit in the sun watching totty run past while she did a 8 mile run.
Jumped a cab back to base for a freshen up and hit a sports bar (Mickey Mantles) up by the park for a few early liveners!
Walked up to Strawberry Fields for a look at the Lennon memorial then crossed over to the Dakota Building where the deed was done :o(
We hit the Columbus Tavern for a Burger and some drinks and then had a stroll down Columbus avenue with a few shops to look at and a really cool antique (by US standards) shop. Jumped another cab and went to a cool rooftop bar (235th on 5th Ave) we were supplied with red fleece dressing gowns to keep us cosy while we supped cocktails admiring the views.
From there we hit Times Sq for a look round and then into BB Kings bar where we planned to listen to some live music.....we stayed for 5 mins while the Barman blanked us (I think us ordering drinks had interrupted something more important)so we bailed out of there and ended up in, you guessed it, Foleys! ..........I have just read through the above and it would appear on first impression that we have been on the lash all day....on reflection that is pretty much true!
Last day tomorrow so better get some kip!
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